
  What to do when you cannot visit our Toronto showroom: 



Maison-Basque showroom is open to the public on a limited basis in the Toronto west-end, at 266 Jane Street (a few blocks north of Bloor & Jane subway station) . It is best to pre-set a date and time for an in-person or a virtual visit.  The schedule for the showroom is regularly updated on this page so you can plan your visit a few days and weeks in advance.   

When not meeting in person, we can  assist our North American clients virtually by email/phone/ZOOM to plan décor projects and reply to questions you might have from browsing  We ship  throughout North America. Be in touch!


Next in-person visits with Evelyne at the showroom : 

Wednesday April 9  - 3PM-6PM
Thursday April 10 - 10AM-6PM

Friday April 11 -  12.30 PM-6PM
Saturday April 12 - 10AM-3.30PM

And later on :
April 23-26
May 7-10

    When out of town, Evelyne, maison-basque’ s owner, works on line, by email, ZOOM and phone calls to help you plan your home décor project and coordinate item selection, pick ups and drop offs out of her home office. Indeed, lots can be done virtually these days....

Call 416-760-9849 to set up a meeting time

Best to set up an appointment to reserve uninterrupted time when planning a decor project in person or virtually. ,  our ''showroom space roomate'', with its additional hours of operation, offers extra flexibility for pick ups and drop offs and simple item selection from maison-basque even if there is no Maison-Basque rep on site ( Their regular hours are TUES  through FRI 12-6/SAT & SUN 12-5).  

 Looking forward to working together on your design project, virtually or in person. Be in touch!

Call 416-760-9849 or 

Sign up below to receive our newsletter and be kept in the know. 

 Instagram and Facebook are also good options to follow us as well as our YouTube channel .

 A nos clients FRANCOPHONES:
Nous somme heureux de vous accueillir  en français au téléphone , par courriel et  en personne dans notre salle d'exposition. La taille modeste de notre entreprise ne nous permet pas pour le moment de maintenir deux sites  internet professionnels en anglais et en français. Nous veillons à  ne pas nous disperser  afin de délivrer un bon service dans ce que nous faisons à date (Qui trop embrasse, mal étreint!!!).  Nous aurons toujours un grand plaisir  de vous servir en français. Contactez-nous!